misty cherry #8, 2014. 47.5 x 42.5 cm. perfume and fire on canvas w/ artists frame

misty cherry #8, 2014. 47.5 x 42.5 cm. perfume and fire on canvas w/ artists frame

  press release   - the white album (curated by gladys hernando)  richard telles gallery, los angeles. 2014

press release - the white album (curated by gladys hernando) richard telles gallery, los angeles. 2014

 misty cherry #8, 2014. 47.5 x 42.5 cm. perfume and fire on canvas w/ artists frame
  press release   - the white album (curated by gladys hernando)  richard telles gallery, los angeles. 2014

misty cherry #8, 2014. 47.5 x 42.5 cm. perfume and fire on canvas w/ artists frame

press release - the white album (curated by gladys hernando) richard telles gallery, los angeles. 2014

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